                                                                      //.     //.      
                                                                              //. //
                                                                                              //muted voice and coloured text
                                                                             .      .).
                                                                              .      .  ))/
                                                                                    )) )).
                      v                                                    ......../))). . )))
                                                                     birds wing
/.    /++\\

14:00_Introduction (names, 1 question, don't get into a conversation)
14:40_Discussion on exercises, what experiences, concerns and curiosities bring us here?
17.25_Cool down Exercises
17:30_end call for all


exercise 1 (stretch) 3'

exercise 2 (listen) 7'
[in a group call, turn off the cameras, record session?+]
{notice the highlight function when someone makes noise, notice how stretching your sensing starts to blend with imagining, try to imagine the sounds are coming from a common space}

exercise 3 (metrics) 10'


Steffen Mau, The Metric Society: On the Quantification of the Social (2019)

Jan Masschelein, Maarten Simons - In Defence of the School: A Public Issue (2013)

  ^_^ v *-* o.O
COOL DOWN EXERCISES //////////////

[adapt for Teams. borrowed from https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/rdi-ft-minimal-viable-learning ]

Close your eyes ⏲ for 5 seconds ⏲ and when you open them follow as below:
→ Focus on the in between, how much space is there in between each sentence;

Close your eyes again, breathe in and out ⏲ for 5 seconds ⏲
→ Focus on the colours on the pad; then focus on the white space in between;

Close your eyes again ⏲  for 5 seconds ⏲ 
→ Which words to you encounter? focus on one;

Close your eyes again ⏲ for 10 seconds ⏲ let your thoughts drift with spontaneous thoughts, impressions...
→ Look at the most distant spot you can see away from your laptop.
 thank you Martino
nice  :))))           thank you...
ciao! :) thanks everybody!
ciao !
Thank you!        +. +
          THANKS ! ! ! 

    *////----> Hello there!!! Great to be on this etherpad!  <--___>
 Turning off the camera. Interesting. Back to telephone days. :)
backgrounds: UHD? User Experience Design - Faculty of IT & Design

+ online deliberation technology ( for example etherpad )
there is citizen participation but less citizen deliberation;

civic/citizen? technology research group www.civictechnology.nl

international and european law
technology as alternate way of interacting with students + expand forms of citizenship and human rights

user experience design
fiction + reality + text play 

philosophy of technology + norms from tools into practice.. how to raise awareness and look critically at inscription


a lot of blips and beeping from text entering or typing or messaging

wind in the mic
                         boiling water?
           badoom beep 0  music, sounds  jingling                               birds wing               
                            car in distance
        door                     awwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeee
            moves laptop to other place                  aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
          tchkritchkit                     aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.          .........................                                here
                               listening khisht
        clothes     sprrrrring
                               crackling noise                         glass 
                               glass   glass
            * –  8y3 (AW: AW(PUE F
            nose sniff
            spring!           hhhrtss hrrrss                               barking
            strong north east wind
            fchhhht swo
            brll. brlbbrlbbrlb.         kisht
    atctacta        playing with metallic objectsa                                                          car, street, driving
            owl?                              i 
        fcrudingdidngdpliplid weee weee weee
             .  lkj.                                                                                                                                          wind
             unfolding a map, placing bells on its corners as paperweights, getting banknotes out of pocket, looong sip of jerbamate                 bell sounds                    spiral   
                                   sslltl                                                reverberation, train tracks
                            cow bells?!
                               scapp                                                C oughing
          wind chimes                     
slight feedback
shoppin                  g cart                   
 water flowing                                                       
 nose blowing                                                
  GASP! (probably for gone colours!) :)
   (mournful gasp) wobble wobble                               :)
    metalli                   tray sound?
    The f sounds from outdoors. were soft, now louder.  shutting a door?  
    (it's getting closer)                                                                                      )))))
                   still blue.                             / huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)))))))))))))))))
    surpise!                :)
    coffemachine -> john cage?            haha                
 sounds from outside?  How did you make them?    
 quotes from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/workplace-analytics/myanalytics/use/collaboration
Each email you send is assigned 5 minutes. Each email you open is assigned 2.5 minutes. !
"Meetings with no other participants than yourself"
Collaboration in MyAnalytics helps you reflect on how effectively you spend your time in meetings, email, chats, and calls.
Each email you send is assigned 5 minutes. Each email you open is assigned 2.5 minutes. However, shorter times are assigned for the following scenario

Based on averages
senseless.. worthless?

extremely capitalistic..
related with productivity and measurement.

+ surveillance element in it. even without camera one can observe 'habits'..

good habits = efficiency
Collaboration tips
* Batch email time
* Cancel meetings a day ahead

pre-pandemic document... physical > online meetings..

invisible if you do less than three things!

end 80s architect office, a card punched with the clock..

later at university also arrived, and reaction was very different. people was upset..


who is benifiting from this?

how does it get implented by the institution

"MY Analitics"

collaboration but linguistics is more towards hour analitics

same data could be used for other insights. 

do we need data? what data would we need?

more conversation about the data and the analytics and less about the work. how people are doing. distracts a lot

THIS week you have been more collaborative than LAST week!

the reach that microsoft has.
these are american values, what you expect from a corporate american setting.

by using this product, the culture gets spread to other places.

'the workday'. working hrs in the us is it the 8-19 us? transferred to other places..

lunch in portugal was really productive in another sense, by deepening relations, conversations..
the cultural uniformity

culture-function creep

responsible for taking up habits

empowering analytics

also refusing being on teams.. more just using outlook in fact..
lectures can also happen outside of teams. what are the alternatives to the frame?

abolish a credit system - relation between uni and state and market